The Thinker’s Oath

As an introduction, please refer to my first blog, compiled as part of a semester abroad to Alexandria, Egypt. I understand that you can only see from the end of November through the end of my blogging experiment, but you get the gist (and length) of my casual writing style. I’m still learning, so here are my goals for this blog:

1. Convey thoughts that have percolated for some time. The connections I make may be precipitated by some recent media, but I’ve been processing the concept for some time.
2. Begin an external conversation on meaningful topics. I do view my posts as part of a rhetorical conversation happening across our collective knowledge, but I do invite real, human-to-human conversations, too.
3. Use blogs as an excuse to research persistent questions.
4. Lastly, I promise to work on condensing my posts.

I name the blog for the basic elements of communication in English: nouns (building blocks of our language), stories (how we convey thoughts), and relationships (what gives us meaning). I will hold myself to standard English conventions and college-level research.

My last thought for this introduction is to verify that the perspectives, biases, opinions, and slanted facts stated by myself within this blog are in no way officially the stance of any place I have worked or studied. Neither do I have endorsements nor financial support from any former, current, or future employer.

With that out of the way…Enjoy upcoming posts!

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